Heavenly Grace Wiki

"Abaddon: Brother?

Bernael: I'm sorry little brother, but I have to do this."

- Abaddon and Bernael's last conversation

Abaddon was the younger brother of Bernael and a former angel of death. He helped Bernael open Lucifer's cage.


After Lucifer's rebellion, Abbadon was assigned to guard Lucifer's Cage in Hell. However, Lilith was able to corrupt Abbadon into supporting Lucifer. After a Prophet recorded the list of angelic vessels, Daniel contacted Abbadon, hoping to gain favor through this act. Abbadon wiped the prophet's memory and killed Daniel.

In 2019, Abaddon took a teenage student named Ashton Skinner as his vessel and went on to help Bernael to release Lucifer from his cage. As the cage's guard and Metatron's closest friend, Abaddon knew that the word of God had a spell that could release Lucifer from his cage without having to break the seals.

Bernael gave Abaddon the spell after he got it from Rebecca Hollands, the two of them performed the spell/ritual and Lucifer was set free. Abaddon began torturing Angels in order to get information that he needed. After Bernael, Lucifer, and Abaddon set an army of demons on the world, Haziel, and Rebecca, along with a group of angels, attacked them. Most of the angels were killed, and Abaddon was then killed by Bernael after Bernael stole Abaddon's grace to increase his power.

Powers and Abilities[]

Abbadon was a powerful angel.

  • Angelic Possession - Like all other angels, Abbadon needed a vessel to walk the Earth. He manifested by possessing a man named Ashton Skinner.
  • Thermokinesis - He changed the temperature inside Rebecca's house.
  • Memory Manipulation - Abbadon was able to erase a year's worth of memories from a Prophet with a simple touch.
  • Teleportation -
  • Spell Casting - Abbadon was able to cast a spell with Bernael's help to release Lucifer from his cage.
  • Apporting - Abbadon transported
  • Super Strength - As an angel, Abbadon is stronger than humans, monsters and most demons. He was strong enough to go toe to toe with and kill Daniel, a 2,000-year-old demon.
  • Invulnerability - As an angel, Abbadon can't be harmed by conventional weapons.
  • Immortality - As an angel, Abbadon was millions of years old.


Abbadon possessed all the weaknesses of an angel.

  • Angel Blades - Like all angels, Abbadon could be killed by an angel blade.
  • Grace Removal - Bernael removed his grace to empower himself.
  • Heart Removal - After his grace was removed, Bernael killed Abaddon by ripping his heart out.